A few months ago one of my running buddies suggested that we do a triathlon next year. Now, I'm almost always game for a new adventure so of course I agreed. She had suggested the Lavaman in Kona in April 2016.
Well, a few days ago I actually signed up for it!
I have a couple of training plans that I printed out to use, but those don't need to begin until the fall. Since I'm an abysmal swimmer and have done minimal biking in the last 10 years I plan to focus on those activities this summer in order to get ready for training this fall. I'm not sure how I'm going to manage bike training in the winter in Alaska. This brings back memories of training for my second half marathon (which was to take place in Florida in February) and it being below zero so many days. There was a lot of cursing and wondering whose idea it was to train for a half in the dead of winter.
There's also this small problem I have with swimming in the ocean. I haven't done more than get my ankles wet since I was a kid.
These all may sound like things that make signing up for a triathlon a bad idea, however I'm totally the kind of person that will talk about something and prepare forever, but unless I actually sign up it's not happening. I spent enough money registering that I really have no choice but to do this (I'm also out to prove some people wrong about some stuff)! I have also enlisted the help of friends...I'm sure someone can talk me into getting into the ocean...