I finally made my training log for 2015! See my 2013 training log here and my 2014 training log here. Now I have to keep training so I can fill it up!
Speaking of training...here's what went down this week (spoiler alert - it was not very much).
Monday: Rest
Tuesday: 4 mi skate @ Westchester
Wednesday: Rest
Thursday: Rest
Friday: 2.8 miles
Saturday: 2.8 miles
Sunday: 4.9 mile walk
Weekly total: 14.6 miles
2015 total: 39.3 miles
Monday it was -5°F when I got home from work with the promise of warmer temps later in the week. I figured I would just shuffle my rest days. Wednesday it was warmer but not warm enough for me to be motivated to go outside alone in the dark (Tuesdays skate was with a friend). Thursday I had too much school work. Ugh.
Kiva got some new booties and an awesome reflective vest this week. She hates the booties but they are necessary to keep her from getting snowballs in her feet. The vest was necessary because she's black and it's generally dark outside when we run. Safety first!
Our walk on Sunday morning was chilly but we had company (thanks again for braving the cold with us Audrey!) so it was easier to get motivated. Kiva was ready for her Sunday afternoon nap after our walk...
Hope everyone had a great week! Happy February!