A few weeks ago I posted about some things I was knitting. One of them included a purple baby sweater. Well, that project got scrapped when the pattern because undecipherable. I decided to move on to something I knew would be cute, easy to knit, and had an easy to read pattern. I made one of these tops a few years ago for a friend's baby and knew it would be perfect for this yarn.
I'm not saying who it's for because I don't want to completely ruin the surprise.
I like this pattern because it's sleeveless and loose so it will fit a kiddo for longer. I'm also making the 1 year size, so it will be a little big initially, but I think that it should fit for at least a few few months.
This is also the perfect knitting project for study breaks. It's a 12 (?) row repeat so it's easy to sit down for 20 minutes and knit a repeat and then put it down and get back to studying. Lately it's been my evening, just before bed, zone out in front of the TV zone out time. Perfect.
Speaking of study breaks, I'm working on a series of posts, that talks about how I'm managing to go to school (essentially full-time) while working (also full-time). I'm not sure if I'm going to post all the content here or in my newsletter, but either way I do it there will be extra goodies that go out with the newsletter when that series gets posted.
Which means...you should sign up for my newsletter so you don't miss out! Click the link or enter your email in the box in the sidebar ("Get updates by email"). I promise I won't spam and will only email once a week at the most and then only if I have something worthwhile to say!