The menu for this week comes mostly from my cookbook collection...which is unfortunate for anyone who doesn't live in my house. However I bet if you did a quick google search for any of these, you could probably find something similar without much trouble.
Monday: Ginger Garlic Beef & Broccoli + cauli rice
Tuesday: Indian Spiced Turkey Burgers + Balsamic Glazed Mushrooms
Wednesday: Roast chicken + mashed cauli
Thursday: Spaghetti Squash Bolgnase
Friday: Curry Friend Fish + roast broccoli
Saturday: Bison meatballs with balsamic + mashed cauli
Sunday: Leftovers
I'll also be making some homemade sausage patties (with italian seasoning and green apples) for breakfasts this week.
I'm starting a program this week called the 21 day sugar detox. My purpose in doing this is to 1) eat less junk. When you eat real food, it's surprisingly easy to justify treats because they're real food, right? I feel like I ate a lot of junk over the holidays and just need to refocus and recenter. 2) feel better. I hope to write more about what's been going on with me health-wise lately, but I just haven't found the right words yet. At this point I can say that I feel lousy (tired) a lot of the time and I want to feel better. I have attempted to start a new round of Whole30 several times since my first one and just haven't been able to get in the groove, which tells me that I really need to do it. I feel like this program might be a little easier for me right now.
Also, you definitely don't need any sort of program if you don't want it. Just set goals and do it. For some reason I find myself needing a little more support right now, which is why I chose this route. The FB group is awesome as are all the online resources. I've been in a food/cooking rut so I'm hoping all my new 21DSD friends can help get me out of it!