A couple of our friends mentioned that they were heading to Government Peak (for those of you familiar with Alaska, it's on the way to Hatcher's Pass) to go cross country skiing on Sunday. John doesn't cross country ski but they thought he could walk Kiva while we skied.
I have been thinking about skiing since July, so I was pretty excited about the idea...but I also had a whole long list of things to do at home, so I almost bailed. However, John talked me into it (always the voice of reason). Our conversation at 5:30 this morning went something like this:
M: But I have so much to do!
J: Like what?
M: Go to Costco, go to Fred Meyer, do laundry...
J: Costco is open until 6, Fred Meyer is open until 11pm, you're up now...start your laundry.
So reasonable that one.
On a side note - we totally belong to the 80+ crowd when it comes to sleep/wake hours. It is rare that either one of us stays up past 9:30pm and both of us are often awake by 6 or 6:30am.
We headed out the door about 9:30am and made the hour drive to Government Peak. I ended up doing three loops on the 1 mile loop trail because it had fewer hills. I still had to stop at the top of every climb to catch my breath! The first ski of the season is always a killer!
It was really great to get out for a change of scenery and some exercise!
We did still manage to get all our grocery shopping done as well as the laundry. Hooray for Sunday adventures!