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Hello and welcome to my little corner of the internet! This blog is where I share my thoughts, adventures, and anything else that strikes my fancy.

I have a shop where I sell handmade items, and a health blog where I talk about real food and nutrition

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Unless otherwise stated, all words and photos on this blog are my own. If you use a photo, please link provide a link to this site and give credit. The text of this blog should not be copied and re-posted elsewhere under any circumstances unless you have written permission from me to do so. Hurtful or offensive anonymous comments will be blocked at my discretion.

This blog is or profit. I use affiliate links for shops and products on the sidebars, in posts, as well as on my other social media sites. These are all products or shops that I use and love. I receive a small commission if you purchase a product through an affiliate link. If receive products free of charge or am paid to share products and services here it will be clearly noted. However, please know that the words and opinions expressed are always my own.

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