I mentioned recently that I am attempting to have more tangible photos around. I take a lot of photos and I don't like that they all live in my computer or on my phone. After seeing this photo book, I decided that I wanted to do something similar with all my Instagram photos from 2012.
Sometime during the middle of the year last year, I started working on my book. I uploaded my photos from my phone to my computer, then I uploaded them to the blurb website. There's an autofill option if you want the website to do all the work, but I wanted to have my photos in a specific order with specific templates for each page (either full page or a grid of four photos). I chose a 7x7 book with a hardcover.
As each subsequent month passed, I uploaded the photos from that month and added them to the layout. It was a fun way to go through all the random photos I take. I also started noticing trends...I take a lot of photos of my dog, and food.
Due to the low resolution of the Instagram photos, I kept getting a warning that my photos were not high quality enough to use in full page spreads. But I didn't really care and went with it anyway. Some of the larger photos came out a little grainy, but it's hardly noticeable.
Once I got the book in the mail, I started adding handwritten text where it seemed appropriate. Even though it has taken me a ridiculously long time to finish this book, I'm really happy with it!
I used a Pigma Micron pen to write on the pages. It's the perfect pen for the job because it dries quickly and doesn't smudge. Being a lefty, such things are important to me.
This was a super simple and relatively inexpensive way to get photos into my hands. My Instagram photos often are some of my favorites because they are mostly of normal everyday life, in 10 years I'll look at this and marvel at what my life used to be like!
fyi - I used an affiliate link to blurb.com website in this post. Use the link and the code BLURBBOOK15 to save 15% on your order.