I am always looking for ways to make snacking easier. When I'm hungry, I want to eat something now...not wait for things too cook. This results in me eating a lot of string cheese and Larabars because I don't feel like putting together something more complicated.
The other day I decided to make my own trail mix so I would have something a little more substanial to snack, and something that was easily portable if I was out and about and needed a snack (string cheese doesn't travel well for more than an hour and a girl can only eat so many Larabars).
Dried cranberries, cashews, almonds, dark chocolate chips, and unsweetend coconut. Yum! I did not measure anything, I simply eyeballed the ratio. Well actually, I just started adding things to the half empty contrainer of cranberries I had. You could pretty much put anything in your trail mix. I think I have some dried pineapple and cherries around too which I might add in once there's more space in the container.
Happy snacking!